Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ergh...Rewind.... Noah's 3rd Birthday

We actually did have a birthday party for Noah's 3rd Birthday, but unfortunately not one picture was taken at his party.  It's a good thing it wasn't actually ON his birth DAY.  Yay for us! :-) He had a truck themed party and we celebrated again on the 15th of January.  He had such a great time with his friends at his party and then again on his actual birthday with Grandma Coco and Grandpa Frosty.  Thank you to everybody for making it so so special for him.  I can hardly believe my precious baby Noah is already 3.  He is doing so much now and I know nothing will stop him... including me or Daddy. :-)  Noah is a bundle of energy who really doesn't need much sleep.  He is our early riser, getting up around 5:30am.  He usually stumbles into our bedroom and climbs into bed to watch his favorite cartoons in the morning.  Then Daddy gets up while Mommy gets some precious snuggle time.  He is still obsessed with Trash trucks, but his new favorite is airplanes and pretending to be a pilot.  We recently made a trip to Michigan and Noah made sure Mommy packed and brought his costume to Michigan; heaven forbid he be without it for a couple of days!  On the way home he even wore it on the plane! We are so proud of Noah and still trying to figure out the best way to direct his energy.  He is constantly getting into things and sometimes that drives Mommy a little insane, but I know later I will look back and laugh and wish for these days to return.  He is also learning to share... I just looked over and he was even trying to share his chewed up bubble gum with Gabriel!  Hey, don't's sharing.  We love you so much Noah and can hardly wait to see where you go and who you become in this crazy world!

Here are a few pictures from his actual 3rd Birthday!
 Noah opening his new car from Grandma Coco

 Celebrating with his brother... it's apple juice... jeez...
 Noah asked specifically for train cupcakes... found this on pinterest...

 Thank you Grandpa Frosty and Grandma Coco for celebrating with us!!!
 Noah getting excited to open his presents! Love him!
 Grandpa Frosty and Noah opening his card... check his hand folks... yes that is a hundy...  huh?? I used to get two quarters taped into a card!  Way to generous Grandpa!

 Thank you Nena!

 Grandma Coco and Noah opening his card...
 Getting ready to blow out his candle!

 Thank you brother for turning 3!!
Happy 3rd Birthday Noah Starling Wood!

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