Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bye Bye Pluggies...

We have finally "kicked" the habit!!  I fretted over this day for months...  I kept asking Noah if he was ready for the pluggy fairy to come and take his pacifier away.  His reply was, "not yet, Mommy".  Oh boy... if you know Noah this means, "Mommy, there's not a chance I'm letting this thing go.  Not without a very very big fight!"  Soooooo, I waited.........AND I waited.... I hadn't talked about it for a few months and ON Noah's 3rd birthday we were getting ready to put him down for a nap when Casey asked me if I had seen Noah's pacifier... I had...and handed it to him.  Noah promptly said to us, "nope... I don't need one... I'm going to give it to the babies (i.e. his new baby cousin Kellan)."  Casey and I exchanged a couple of glances crossed our fingers and hoped for the best!  Well, that was it!  Bye bye pluggy... in the 3 weeks since he gave it up he has asked for it once!  Next up was Gabe.  I knew it was time for him to give it up when I was more frantic over having one when we left the house or when it was bed time.  One night during bath time I decided I would try to put him to bed without it.  I did fuss or even discuss taking it away.  That was it... I rocked him, he went right to sleep and voila!  Done!  We have been a pluggy free home for about a week now!  Some sleepless nights, but nothing horrible! I'm happy and sad this chapter is over.  Happy because I don't have to constantly search for those things and sad because it's a step closer to my boys growing up.  A few pictures of them with their pluggies...




 Daddy and his boys


Ok after putting these on at least maybe now I'll have some pictures of them without those darn things! :-)

1 comment:

  1. he should be sucking c--k by now, mine all started before 2, my youngest girl is 16 , I call her mine but I am her stepdad, her mum and I split but she still visits without mum knowing, she knows I like a nice bald p--y so she keeps it bald for me, she f---s and sucks better than mum and I live fairly close to her school so i get to f--k her on her lunch break sometimnes, I have a high paying job so I can buy her nice things and I get nice young p---y to f--k, she has brought a friend with her sometimes that is f----een and still has a bald c--t I am in heaven!
