Saturday, July 20, 2013


Another quick update...

Last Monday we received the results from our doctors office (our doctor was on vacay).  We were told that the biopsy taken in surgery had positive margins meaning that they hadn't removed all of the diseased cells, but the good news was it had not progressed into C yet!  It was just one step away.  Good news and bad news.    They said we could either wait 6 months to see if my body's immune system cleared them up or we could go in for more surgery.  We were devastated, happy, and confused all at the same time.  We had to meet with our doctor on Thursday and we were well prepared with questions and fully prepared to undergo another surgery to remove more cervical tissue.  HOWEVER, when we arrived our physician assistant and OB came in to tell us that they had received the FINAL biopsy report and that the margins were actually CLEAR!  I repeat CLEAR!  I burst out crying in shock and relief.  We are so blessed.  Period.  This experience has made me appreciate my boys so much more and most importantly it has made me learn to appreciate each and every day that I am able to spend in my life.  I definitely cherished life before, but now I appreciate, cherish, and thank God for every day that I'm able to spend with family and friends.  I know the last two posts have been kind of heavy... I promise to lighten things up from here on out! :-)  Thank you for everybody's love and support! 

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