Thursday, July 11, 2013

Been A LONG time!!!

Oh where oh where has all my time gone! 

This year is flying by and we have done so much in the last two months.  I haven't blogged in quite some time as my computer bit the dust and I "lost" all of my pictures (they have since been recovered by my amazing brother and I'm waiting for my computer to be returned soon!)... We have also been dealing with a little health scare for little old me.  We have been in and out of the doctors office, had several biopsies taken and surgery last week for a bigger biospy.  Yeah me!  We are currently waiting for results to see if all these abnormal cells have turned into the big C.  Yuck...what a dirty dirty letter...  Anyway, we will keep everybody updated.  We are praying and hopeful that statistics are on our side.  A big shout out to my amazing husband for picking up wherever I leave off and really carrying our family for the last couple of months.  I have truly married my other half and it is so comforting knowing that I can count on him through thick and thin.  Also, a big thanks to my Mom for dropping everything and flying out to be with me and to get me started on a better, healthier regimen.  And MC!!!  Thank you to MC for racing home right after vacation, doing laundry, and then racing to San Diego to take care of us while I recovered.  Our entire family has been amazing and we are just so blessed to have so many caring and loving people in our lives. 

The boys are doing great and so ACTIVE!!!  To leave this on a WAY lighter note enjoy the various "lives" of Noah and Gabe...

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