Sunday, October 9, 2011

September 24, 2011-October 7, 2011

We have kept busy the last couple of weeks. During the week we are home, but on the weekends we try to get out and go. We recently made a trip up to Fresno to celebrate Connie being a breast cancer survivor! Chaudra and I accompanied her to a luncheon for the Susan G. Komen foundation. Usually every year we walk with her in the Komen walk, but this year she is having breast surgery so wasn't going to be able to participate. Instead we went to the luncheon. While we went to the luncheon Casey & Corey took all of the kids to visit Grandma Wood who was absolutely thrilled to have her grandkids and great-grandkids come and make a surprise visit! Noah loved riding around on her walker... go figure! :) Gabriel was content sitting in her lap having her feed him a bottle. On Saturday afternoon Corey and Chaudy had to leave to take their two girls to see the broadway play Shrek.... we had a BIG outing to a local park. The park had recently opened in honor of Todd Beamer who was killed on September 11, 2001. He was a passenger on Flight 93 and is known for saying "you guys ready??? Let's roll." The park is absolutely beautiful and I am happy to report Noah thought this was the best place ever!

We also bought season passes to the Wild Animal Park/San Diego Zoo. The Wild Animal park is about 10 minutes from our house and is a great outing for the boys. It has some beautiful trails where Mommy can start walking this baby weight off! It's time!

Noah has also recently become interested in what Mommy is doing in the kitchen with all that "stuff"... So this last week he helped Mommy make pizza and chocolate chip cookies! Let's say his "help" consisted of him eating the pepperoni and then oh so politely placing it back on the pizza! Yummy! He did a great job helping Mommy with the chocolate chip cookies... he poured in the sugar and vanilla and ate LOTS of dough!

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