Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Bill and Aunt Caitlin Come to visit

Grandpa Visit, Grandma Sue, Uncle Bill and Aunt Caitlin all came out to visit us in the beginning of October.  We celebrated Aunt Beth's birthday, ran a family mud run and also celebrated Meghan's birthday.  We had such a wonderful visit celebrating birthdays and spending time at the beach.  We absolutely adore the time we get to spend with family and are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives and in the lives of our children.

 Grandma Coco came down for a wedding and fit in some snuggle time with the boys! 

 Gabriel enjoying some beach time with family

 Grandpa and Gabriel 

 Aunt Cait and Uncle Bill

 Grandma Sue had the magic touch with Kellan...he was VERY comfy...

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