Monday, May 27, 2013

A weekend trip to Grandpa Wood's

This last weekend we spent the weekend in Fresno visiting Casey's Dad.  We celebrated his 65th birthday on Saturday, Sunday we visited and Sunday headed home to San Diego after a quick stop to see Grandma Coco! 

 Playing some "ball" in the front yard!

 Taking rides on the "tractor"...

 Gabriel LOVED Cheira's jammy pants and every time we turned around he was either carrying them around or wearing them...  with his cowboy boots of course.

 Love their outfits!

 Happy 65th Birthday Grandpa!

It was a VERY long car ride up so Gabriel and I had our own fun while wasting the time! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy 4th Anniversary!!

This past Thursday Casey and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary!  We have celebrated so many amazing things in the last four years!  We were married, bought a new house, moved down state, had Noah...a teeny tiny break...and then came Gabriel!  That was all within two years of being married!  Wow...makes me tired thinking about doing it all over again.  Things definitely seem "quieter" around here!  The last four years have been wonderful and I can't imagine celebrating all of these milestones with anybody else, but my best friend, Casey.  He is a phenomenal husband and daddy!  I'm so glad he chose to take his "jacket" off for little old me! ;-)  So blessed...

On our actual anniversary Noah and Gabriel helped us to celebrate with some "champagne" (sparkling apple cider) for the boys and ourselves (the real stuff).  I didn't feel like cooking so we had pizza!  Yum yum... Friday night was my birthday so we celebrated both our anniversary and my birthday with our good friends Brett and his daughter Megan!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day

We had a very fun Mother's Day! Casey took Noah, Gabriel and I to Disneyland for a couple of days. We stayed at a hotel where the boys really enjoyed the pool and the fact that our room had bunk beds! We had a blast and tired the boys out!!! Thank you hubs! On the actual Mother's Day we relaxed at home in the morning, headed to Pipes for breakfast at the beach and then over to Beth's for some visiting time. After Beth's we dropped my brother John at the train station (so he could catch a train up to LAX for his trip to Guatemala) and continued on to spend a couple of evening hours at the beach. It was a wonderful Mommy's Day weekend.

Daddy and his boys on the Dumbo ride...mommy can't do these circle rides!  

Gabe is still a little unsure about these characters... 

Yo ho Yo ho a pirate's life for me...

This is how Daddy occupied the boys while Mommy watched...
Noah cleaning up Mother's Day morning..

Uncle John and the boys on his friend's bike..

Trying to get a Mother's Day pic with the boys... didn't happen...

Monday, May 13, 2013

13.1 miles!!!

On May 4th I set out to run my first half-marathon in over 10 years!  I did...not in record time or anything...but I DID IT!!  I ran 13.1 miles (hills and all)!!  Needless to say I'm pretty proud of myself and am already scouring the state of California for my next half!

The starting point

 The middle!
Yes I had to run all the way to the tippy top of this hill!!  Then 2 more large hills right at the end of the run!  

All finished!!!  Woo woo!!!