Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 15th-22nd, 2011

Beach Day: Carlsbad, California
Daddy & Noah enjoying/playing in the sand

Noah really liked to eat the sand! He kept putting handfuls of sand in his mouth and saying "ummmmmm" which in Noahnese means "yummy"!

We tried to bury his legs, but our little man is a wiggle worm!

Noah pee pee'd in the big boy toilet!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 8th-15th, 2011

This week started out with Gabriel eating rice cereal for the first time! He loves it!
And Noah figured out the drawers in the kitchen work great as a "step-stool"! I was feeding Gabriel and turned around to see Noah on the counter! Notice the knives directly behind him! I about fell over dead on the spot! Ahhh! On Tuesday locks were installed on the drawers...they were already installed on all the cabinets.

On Wednesday Noah & Gabe had their friend AJ come over for a play-date... AJ was born in February so is only a few weeks older than Gabe!
Gabe, AJ, & Noah

On Friday Noah got a new drum! We read a book to him every night that has a drum in it so we thought it would be fun for him to actually drum on a drum rather than all over the furniture!

On Saturday Noah & Gabe had a birthday party to go to with the girls that live across the street... They are 5, 10, & 14... Their Mom put on a party for all three on the same day! Noah liked their bike helmet & lawn mower...
Zoey & Noah
One of the birthday girls & Noah on their princess bike! LOL...

Lily- another birthday girl
All lined up to hit the....

Dora pinata!

Saturday night Beth & Sean went downtown San Diego to celebrate Jamie's (Sean's sister) birthday... They came to drop Maura off who spent the night with her cousins!

Did I mention mention we are stickin' to two kids??? LOL!
Sunday morning they had eggs and CHOCOLATE CAKE! Aunt is great... she gave us chocolate cake! LOL!!!

Sunday night Uncle Johnny came over to drop off Finn because he's going to Michigan for a week... Gabe looks pretty happy! 2 hours past his bed time and still smiling...
Monday morning... Daddy off to work.... Eating breakfast!

Noah loves his eggies and toast every morning!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend in Fresno

Noah jumped off the diving board for the first time at Grandma Coco's! Daddy caught him and Uncle Corey handed him off!
And Daddy has recently taught him how fun it is when noses go "beep beep"!
Gabe is now getting up on all fours... no rocking yet thank goodness!

Noah, Cadi, and Cheira stopped for a quick picture at Grandpa's house...

Gabe loves his Daddy!

At Bass lake... It was absolutely beautiful!
Cheira playing in the water...

Cadi, Laurel, and Cheira enjoying the water...
Carolyn and Papa J celebrating Carolyn's birthday and their engagement.

Corey and Chaudy's anniversary was the day before... Happy 11th anniversary!

On Sunday we relaxed and recouped after a fun day of boating, jet skiing, and playing at the lake. Grandma Wood was able to come home for a little while to visit. Gabe was all smiles in her lap!

Noah was bribed with some fruit snacks! He wanted to play with his cousins...
Grandma with 6 of her 8 great-grandchildren!

Casey just being one of the kids! What's new??
Logan, Cadi, Cheira, and Noah

My precious Noah... I love this picture of him...

I love Noah's face in this picture! LOL!

August 5th-7th

This weekend we headed up to Fresno which is where Casey grew up. For those of you who are not familiar with California Fresno is smack dab in the middle of California. We decided to head up last minute on Thursday night so the boys would sleep on the trip. We left San Diego around 6pm and made it to Papa J's around 1 am...following a stop for dinner. On our way we made plans to visit with Grandma Coco on Friday while Papa J worked. We headed over to her house for some swimming and pizza. It was a great visit with our fish (aka Noah) jumping off the diving board for the first time! On Saturday we headed to Bass lake which is about an hour from Papa J's. We headed up to do some boating and to celebrate Carolyn's birthday. Papa J brought up the boat and Carolyn brought her jet skis so everybody was able to get some time out on the lake. The kids just enjoyed playing in the water and building "sand castles" on the shore. We spent Sunday just visiting and relaxing after a long day on Saturday! Hope you enjoy the pictures! Love to all!