Errrrrr....back it up. Our life crisis is over for now! Thank the
lord! So I'm going to rewind life a bit and talk about our summer. Woo
Woo! We kicked off our summer with a family vacation to Santa Cruz.
We left on a Friday and headed to Pismo Beach where Casey's grandfather
lives. We used his house as a pit stop and made the rest of the trip on
Saturday morning. When we arrived we settled in to the vacation house
and the rest of the week we played games, swam, drank, ate, visited the
Monterey Aquarium, the mystery spot and of course the Santa Cruz
Boardwalk. We also take an annual family picture which is always fun
with four kids and 8 "adults". :-) Hope you enjoy some of the pics!
Grandpa waiting to open his gift!
And Bryan oh so excited... I see a little smirk there. Right??
Now this is excited!
Auntie Mel Mel
OH MY GOSH!! I forgot to mention banana slugs! GRRRROOOOOSSSSS! Apparently this is the mascot for UCSC! Ha! These little buggers welcomed me the second morning we were there. I was ready to pack up and leave. Gross (again), but kind of cool in a sciency (yes Mom I know that's not a word) way.
Casey, Grandpa Frosty and Corey modeling the birthday cake that Cadence, Cheira, Noah and Gabe helped to make.
All of Grandpa's grandsons: Casey, Bryan, Grandpa and Corey
Cadence and Gabriel
Grandma Coco, Cheira and Cadi playing cards
The first few days we were in SC were a bit rainy and cool so we decided to make those our tourist days. The first outing was to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This picture was taken downtown Monterey.
This is Gabriel checking out the jelly's.
Auntie Chaudra helping Gabriel touch.
These 3 were having such a great time watching the wave come over them. I had to snap a few pics while they were giggling.
The cousins.
The view from the patio. Gorgeous
If this looks like a random picture to you it's because it is. This is our annual Quelf night. And yes there were large quantities of alcohol consumed.
Noah checking out the starfish
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