Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cabrillo National Monument

So, we have decided to start "exploring" southern California with the boys by making little day trips to nearby attractions. I found a great website with a list of things to do with toddlers. We started at #1... The Cabrillo National Monument. Neither of us had any idea this park was located in San Diego. It was absolutely gorgeous. There is a ton of history behind this area including what is said to be one of the first explorers to set foot on the west coast. The Cabrillo National Monument commemorates Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo's voyage of discovery. The San Diego bay is where he first sailed into on September 28, 1542.

The Cabrillo National Monument also has a ton of military history. There are old fallout shelters, bunkers, coast guard housing, radio stations (where they would listen for enemy radio contact), and the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. The National Cemetery was amazing, but out of respect for the dead and their families I chose not to post pictures.

The Point Loma Lighthouse is also found within this park. You can read about all of the history behind the lighthouse and even walk through the home. This home had some gorgeous views! If you make the drive down the hill from the lighthouse you can play along the beach and when the tide is out there are a ton of tidepools.

If you live in San Diego it is well worth the 5 dollars!!!!

Making the walk down to the tidepools...
A view from the trail

Noah and Daddy making Mommy's heart race... They were just checking out how high we were.... HIGH does it matter???
Along the trail...

The tide was up so we just played on the beach for a little while
Playing with the boys...

Some of the waves were coming up pretty high... These two were pretty impressed!

Mama and her boys... I think I resemble a pack mule....
Gabe was pulling my hair in this picture...

Inside one of the bunkers... I couldn't believe this is how they would spot the enemy... Amazing!

Noah thought this was pretty cool...

Gabriel and Mommy checking it out...
You can walk up a short trail from the bunker to see the lighthouse

This is the lighthouse as well as the residence for the lighthouse keeper

Daddy and Noah goofing around... I just wanted to get a cute picture of them, but my 3rd child wasn't cooperating.... and I'm not talkin Noah...
I thought this was a cool picture... It was the spiral staircase heading up to the light...
A view from the top!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Package!

Yesterday while we were out at the Wild Animal Park Noah received a giant package from his Nina (my mom). He was napping so when he woke up we let him open it up... Here are a few pics. Gabriel was happy to help open the package and all of the presents it contained. In the package were two stuffed animals for Gabriel and some birthday presents for Noah (my Mom waited to send it so Noah wasn't totally overwhelmed with all of the presents from Christmas and his birthday). Noah received a piano which was a huge hit with Gabe, a new Cars hat, cars shirt, some more clothes, fingerpaint, and a personalized bag! So cute.... Thanks Nina!

Gabey loved the piano that Nina sent... He had his butt up in the air, bouncing it back and forth, babbling on and on.... Can we say Jerry Lee Lewis! GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!

A stuffed monkey!
Noah opening a few of his presents...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ready for St. Patrick's Day!

We have begun our St. Patrick's Day decorating and fun! Noah is completely intrigued by the little leprechaun that we "trapped" in our glass jar. Every morning so far he asks me (in Noahnese of course) to take that little man out of the jar so he can eat breakfast too. Yesterday morning Noah even decided to share his breakfast bar and yogurt with little leppy. Leppy was covered in strawberry yogurt and crumbs... Do you have any family St. Patrick's Day traditions?

Our front door

Little Leppy with his pot of gold... Where's the rainbow?

Oh no he escaped!!!!
Noah checking out HIS leprechaun... Imagine him in a high voice saying "hiiiiiii" and gently rubbing his hat... and asking Mommy to take his pot of gold... gladly!
Eating breakfast together...