Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our Weekend...

I don't want to take a nap!!! Go away!

Future firefighter??? LOL!

Sleepy baby... Watching t.v. in the morning.. With his "bubby, bubby, and baba!" aka his bear, blankie, and bottle..
Maura and Noah helped build a cushion mountain in the living room and climbed on top!

Going through the "cushion tunnel"..

Playing games in the game room...

Starting to paint...

Gabriel Sailor is all smiles!!!

This weekend we started some "home improvements" aka painting our bare walls. When we had the house built we decided not to paint the walls as we were told it was better to let the house settle for a year or two. Well we have almost been in our home for 2 years and have decided to paint it ourselves. It is a BIG task with the house being almost 4000 sq ft, but we will do it room by room. We started with the entry on Saturday and by Sunday we have only a few touch-ups to complete!

Noah and Gabe took nice long naps so we were able to get a lot of it done! Thanks boys! Sean, Beth, and Maura also came over so Noah was completely occupied. They swam in the froggy pool, built mountains, played video games, and went to the park with their Daddies... Noah was in bed by 6:30! Woo hoo! Here are a few pictures...

Noah's Swimming Lessons...

Gabe taking a bath...

Noah is able to climb out of the pool almost completely alone!

And jumps IN completely alone!

We are working on him waiting on the side...

BUT he wiggles all over!

To get back in...
He's learning how to swim alone to the side and reach for the edge!

And waits patiently to jump back in!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More pictures of Big Bear

Daddy playing "kick-ball"

Watching the fireworks over the lake...
Shower handle as a phone??? HUH? (A game of quelf)

Bryan and Chaudy playing a game of quelf...
Daddy and Noah...

Fun had by ALL!

The boys and Grandpa..

Noah loves Grandpa!

Grandma Coco and the girls feeding the ducks..

Playing with cousins Cadi and Cheira...

Daddy and Noah snacking and playing cards...

Making the traditional 4th of July flag cake!

"Here Daddy have some... they're yummmm!"

"Another picture Mom???"

Melanie and Chaudra getting some sun...

Playing some cards with Gabriel cheering them on...

July 2nd to July 9th

We made the journey from San Diego up to Big Bear Lake on a beautiful Saturday morning. We first stopped to pick up Casey's cousins at the Ontario airport and then headed up the mountain. Noah called some dinosaurs (threw up... ya know Roarrrrr!) so it took us a little longer than expected. Once at the cabin and after a quick bath he was all better and ready to vacay with the family. Gabriel slept most of the trip and was just happy to get out of his carseat! He's not a huge fan. We spent the week playing hand-to-butt & other card games, wakeboarding, swimming in the hot tub, and taking lots of walks! It was a great time to be with all of Casey's side of the family!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First Post...

So we have begun a second blog... I changed the blog web address since now we are the woodfam times 4! Don't worry next year at this time we will remain x4! I'll try to post weekly so that we can keep those of you who are interested updated with pictures of Noah and Gabriel. Love to all of you!